Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We Will Miss You

My Uncle Skip died somewhat unexpectedly on Monday. He went to the hospital for a routine procedure and never came out. Although he was somewhat of a yeller, he had a heart of gold. He would have done anything for me or my family and I loved him.

Click the photo to see the obituary.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Since we got home from our honeymoon, I have been swamped. Between work and play I haven't had a spare moment.

This is one of my favorite pics from the wedding.

It was a beautiful day and everything went perfectly. Our honeymoon was really fun also. We did a Mexican cruise. Since we have been home, we have had a big meet at work, we went to St. George for a night and we have been to St. Charles a couple of times. We have also done various fun activities and worked a lot, but I think I have bored you enough.