Monday, April 21, 2008


I have been debating how, when, or if I should share this news on my blog. I decided it was better that you hear from me rather than someone else. People have been known to twist the details.

My mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The official diagnosis was March 26 and she had a double mastectomy last Thursday. It is invasive lobular breast cancer that is at least stage 2. She will need chemo and radiation. Chemo will start in about a month and radiation will come after that. She is doing really well after surgery and is in high spirits.

I wish it were better news, but I thought everyone should know what is going on.


Amberlynn said...

I'm sorry to hear, Mandy. My best wishes to your family.

Angela Killpack said...

Our prayer are with you and your Mom. We wish her the quickest recovery and we hope that it goes away. Love ya!

The Life And Independent Thoughts of Jacobs K. said...

I'm really sorry Mandy. Your mom is such a sweet person, and I hope she has a safe and quick recovery.

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. We'll keep her in our prayers. I bet she's really happy to have you close by.

The Olson Family said...

I'm so sorry, hon. . .Your mom and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers for sure. (hug)

The Olson Family said...

I'm so sorry, hon. . .Your mom and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers for sure. (hug)