Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A New Calling

I have officially left my CTR 7 class and began as the Young Women's Secretary. I'm a little nervous because I have never done this before and wasn't given much instruction. If anyone has any ideas, that would be great. Otherwise, I will be figuring it out along the way.


Angela Killpack said...

Cool calling! That is the calling I have right now. I really enjoy it. I would love to suggest that you go to www.sugardoodle.net for any yw ideas for activities or lessons, and I've also joined the Yahoo Group LDS Young Women Leaders. There is a link to it off of sugardoodle.net

Lindsey said...

When I was YW Secretary I basically just took notes and made sure I was there to help if I was needed. I kind of looked at the calling as being the brain of the YW, keeping track of ideas and dates and times, and then being the extra set of hands (usually teaching) when needed. easy peasy. plus, the YW here are way fun to work with and they like me even though I'm a dork. good luck!

Becky said...

I didn't realize you had a blog! I will have to link to it! I always wanted to be in young womens! I haven't had a calling for a whole year...I don't know if my ward is aware of me.