Tuesday, February 08, 2011


When you lose half your body overnight, you become aware of things you never thought of and thankful for even the little things.

I am thankful for...
my husband
a healthy baby
my parents being her for 4 week to help
my boss being patient with my schedule
physical therapy slowing bringing back my right side
being able to use my right side at all
my knowledge and speech being in tact

These are just a few of the many things I'm thankful for. Even with all the trouble, I wouldn't take back a thing because I have this.

Although, I'd have to think really hare before I do it again.


Laurel Lee Pedersen said...

We're all thankful too, that you've had such a recovery! Every time I hear of a mother dying of a blood clot, bleeding out, or some other complication after birth, I think about how much we take giving birth for granted. Modern medicine is truly something to be grateful for, also.

Unknown said...

Dani and I wish for a speedy and full recovery for you.